Stomach pain can be a pain anywhere from beneath the ribs to the pelvis. Like most other kinds of abdominal pain, stomach pain that occurs in the morning will typically get better on its own in the majority of cases without the need for any kind of special treatment.

In some cases, however, stomach pain in the morning may require medical attention. For instance, you should never ignore pain that wakes you from sleep. If your stomach pain wakes you up, you should speak with your healthcare provider.

There are numerous potential causes of stomach pain. And they may occur at any time of day, including the morning.

This article will explain more about potential causes for stomach pain in the morning, prevention, treatment, and when to see a healthcare provider.

Causes of Stomach Pain In the Morning

In most cases, stomach aches aren’t serious and will clear up after a few hours or days without the need for treatment.

Pain in the stomach may feel like:

  • GnawingCrampingDullTwistingAchingStabbingBurning

There are many potential causes for stomach pain, and some are more serious than others.

Severity of Stomach Pain

Stomach pain can range from mild to severe. It is important to remember that severity of pain does not necessarily relate to how serious the underlying cause of pain is.

It is possible to have horrible stomach pain from gas or gastroenteritis (stomach flu). This may not be serious, but can still be very painful.

Conversely, potentially fatal conditions like colon cancer or even the early stages of appendicitis may cause no pain or only very mild pain. If you are in doubt about the cause or severity of your pain, you should consult your healthcare provider.


Also called dyspepsia, indigestion can cause pain in the stomach area at any time of day, including the morning.

Along with stomach pain, indigestion may cause other symptoms including:

  • GasDiarrheaBloatingBurpingLoud noises from the stomachVomitingFeeling full too soon

Indigestion can occur due to lifestyle factors, underlying health issues or medications.

Lifestyle factors include:

  • SmokingToo much alcoholToo much caffeineEating too quicklyStressEating spicy, greasy, or fatty foods

Underlying health issues may include:

  • Ulcers
  • Gallstones
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
  • Bacterial infection in the stomach
  • Gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Gastritis

Some medications may also cause indigestion. These include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Aspirin
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an umbrella term for a group of symptoms that can occur together.

The condition is characterized by recurring pain in the abdomen. Those with IBS may experience diarrhea, constipation, or both.

Roughly 12 percent of the population in the United States have IBS.

Symptoms of IBS may include:

  • Pain in the stomach areaChanges in bowel movementsConstipationDiarrheaBloatingWhitish colored mucus in the stoolFeelings of an incomplete bowel movement

For people who menstruate, symptoms may worsen during the time of their period.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to ongoing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, due to one of three conditions—Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and indeterminate colitis.

IBD can cause abdominal pain at any time of day.

Other symptoms of IBD may include:

  • FatigueWeight lossBlood in the stoolsPersistent diarrheaBleeding from the rectum


A person is considered constipated if they pass less than three bowel movements a week. Constipation may cause stomach pain, along with other symptoms.

These include:

  • Difficulty passing stoolsFeelings of an incomplete bowel movementDry stoolsLumpy stoolsLumpy hardPain when passing stools

Peptic Ulcer

A peptic ulcer is a type of sore found on the lining of the stomach or in the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. Ulcers can be common.

Ulcers found in the stomach are referred to as gastric ulcers and ulcers in the duodenum are referred to as a duodenal ulcer.

Ulcers may be caused by the over-use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or from an infection from a bacteria called helicobacter pylori.

Not everyone who has an ulcer will experience symptoms.

Most commonly, an ulcer causes a burning or dull pain somewhere in the abdomen between the breast bone and navel (belly button). This pain may happen around meal times and the pain may cause a person to wake from sleep.

Other symptoms of ulcers may include:

  • VomitingBurpingBloody stoolBlack stoolVomiting bloodNo appetiteUnintentional weight lossNausea

When to See a Healthcare Provider

In the majority of cases, pain in the stomach is nothing to worry about and will often resolve on its own.

However, if you have severe stomach pain that wakes you from sleep, you should speak with your healthcare provider.

You should also call 911 or seek immediate medical help if you have morning stomach pain and you also experience any of the following:

  • Are in treatment for cancerHave pain in the chest, neck, or shouldersCan’t pass stools and are vomitingHave blood in your stoolAre vomiting bloodHave sharp and sudden pain in the abdomenHave trouble breathingHave pain between your shoulder blades and also feel nauseousHave a stomach that is hard or rigid to the touchHave a tender stomachAre pregnant or might be pregnantHave had recent trauma to the abdomen through an injury

You should also contact your healthcare provider if you have stomach pain and:

  • You have diarrhea that lasts longer than five daysYour pain in your stomach lasts a week or moreYou have bloating that continues for more than two daysYou have pain that doesn’t improve in 24 to 48 hours or it becomes worse or more frequentYou have a burning feeling when urinatingYou urinate frequentlyYou have a fever over 100°F for adults or 100.4°F for childrenYou have lost your appetiteYou have bleeding from the vagina that persistsYou have unintentional weight loss


Treating pain in the stomach area depends on the underlying cause of the pain. Mild pain may be treated with over-the-counter medications.

Pain from underlying causes like IBD and IBS will require specialized treatment and medications.

It is important to not use aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen to treat any kind of abdominal pain except period pain. Doing so may cause further irritation to the stomach or bowel.

At home treatments that might help ease pain in the stomach area include:

  • Staying hydratedLimiting intake of caffeine or alcoholRestingEating bland foodsUsing a heating blanket or hot water bottle on the area that is sore


It is possible to reduce the chances of some causes of abdominal pain through lifestyle choices.

  • Drinking lots of water every dayExercisingLimiting foods that might cause gasEating smaller meals more frequentlyEating a diet high in fiberEating lots of fruits and vegetablesEating well-balanced meals


Morning stomach pain is usually not anything to worry about. Some common causes of stomach pain in the morning include indigestion, IBS, IBD, constipation, and peptic ulcer. If your stomach pain persists or worsens, or if you are experiencing additional worrisome symptoms, seek medical attention.

A Word From Verywell

Having stomach pain at any time of day can be upsetting, and waking up with stomach pain can be even worse. If you have stomach pain that wakes you from sleep, or your pain persists, speak to your healthcare provider. They will help you identify the underlying cause of your pain and come up with a treatment plan that can relieve your symptoms and get you back to feeling like yourself again.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How should you sleep with stomach pain?
  • If you have stomach pain that wakes you from sleep, speak to your healthcare provider. They will be able to help identify what is causing your pain and help find the best treatment for you.At-home remedies like staying hydrated and using a hot water bottle may also help when you have stomach pain.
  • What tea is good for stomach pain?
  • Some people find that drinking peppermint tea is helpful for calming their stomach and easing their stomach pain. It can also help with digestion and cramping, which may help with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.

If you have stomach pain that wakes you from sleep, speak to your healthcare provider. They will be able to help identify what is causing your pain and help find the best treatment for you.

Some people find that drinking peppermint tea is helpful for calming their stomach and easing their stomach pain. It can also help with digestion and cramping, which may help with conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.